
14 Facts about Rinjani Mountain, Indonesia

The exoticism of Mount Rinjani succeeded in attracting people to come to meet the mountain with the nickname the Dewi Anjani. Not only mountain climbers who are hypnotized by Rinjani's beauty, those who are lay in climbing are also fascinated by their beauty. More proudly, many tourists come to enjoy the natural beauty of the mountain

1. Lake on the summit of Mount Rinjani 'Segara Anak ’

If Semeru has Ranu Kumbolo, Rinjani has Segara Anak. According to local residents, Segara Anak means a sea child. That is because Segara Anak lake water looks bluish like sea water.

The natural scenery of Segara Anak Lake is truly amazing. Shady trees, mountains, and luster of lake water are as little as the pleasures of heaven on earth. Segara Anak is the place where many fish grow, so there are not a few climbers fishing and opening tents near the lake

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2. The Segara Anak exoticism is painted in the Rp. 10,000 currency

the natural beauty of 'Segara Anak' has made the Indonesian government capture it on a piece of money. In 1998, Bank Indonesia graced the 1000 rupiah denomination with a painting of Lake Segara Anak on one side.

3. The crater of Mount Batujari makes anyone fascinated

From the edge of the lake, you can see the splendor of Mount Batu Jari. The mountain which is in the middle of Segara Anak Lake takes out sulfur from its crater. create a natural beauty that is rarely seen by humans

4. Rinjani is included in seven mountain summits in Indonesia

Above an altitude of 3726 masl, Rinjani is the number 3 highest mountain in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci and Cartenz. You who make it to the top of Rinjani have the right to see a wide horizon without limits. A landscape of Mount Batur, Mount Agung, Mount Tambora, and the high seas are clearly visible.

If you are the climbers, you will definitely enter Rinjani in the target climbing list. Because Rinjani is included in the seven summits of Indonesia's mountains.

5. Has a 5-star mountain climbing track

You who have climbed Rinjani certainly know how hard it is to climb Rinjani. However, the fatigue of the climb paid off with the exoticism of the Rinjani landscape. Rinjani has low mountain rainforest, extensive savanna with beautiful edelweiss, and high mountain rainforest. Because of that, Rinjani deserves to be called a 5-star mountain.

6. Rinjani is at the intersection of the Wallace boundary line and the flora and fauna types of Asia and Australia meet

The Wallace line is a hypothetical line or imaginary line that separates the geographical area of the flora and fauna of the Asia and Australias types. On Mount Rinjanilah Asian-type flora fauna meets the Australian type. You can meet langurs easily there. but remember, animals that are in nature cannot be caught or hunted, except fish.

7. There are natural hot springs too

No need to wait until the new mountain can come down soak in a hot spring. Rinjani has natural hot springs. It is located not far from Segara Anak.

After tired of climbing, they can soak in the open air while looking at the beautiful Rinjani. The mountain climbers are truly spoiled.

8. Only in Rinjani, we can see Goa Susu stalactites and Goa Payung Mas

Besides lakes, savannahs and hot springs, Rinjani also has a cave! Really a complete beauty package. Just by climbing one mountain you can enjoy a variety of natural panoramas. don't you rarely climb and enjoy the beauty of a very beautiful cave stalactite, so amazing!!

9. The most beautiful sunset in Plawangan Sembalun

Some say Rinjani is a romantic mountain. Not because it had been the filming location of Romeo Anjani's ascent film. But, this mountain is indeed the most suitable to await the dusk master with the couple. Plawangan Sembalun is the right spot to feel the romance of Rinjani.

10. Padang Savana Sembalun Lawang is really epic

Sembalun Lawang Village is the starting point for climbing to the top of the mountain. If you pass this path, you will see a wide expanse of grass. Climbers can enjoy the breadth of the horizon around the grasslands. In this place can also be seen the former cold lava flow path.

11. Many waterfalls can be found in Rinjani and its surroundings

No wonder if anyone says Rinjani is a 5-star mountain. Climbers can easily find waterfalls in Rinjani. In fact, there are approximately 20 waterfalls at the foot of Mount Rinjani. many climbers rest at the foot of Mount Rinjani to witness the beauty of the water in the climbing area.

12. Mount Rinjani is a mountain with the best layout in Southeast Asia

Hebatnya, Gunung Rinjani berhasil menyabet beberapa penghargaan kategori tempat wisata berbasis ekologi dan masyarakat. Penghargaan dunia yang telah diterima Gunung Rinjani yakni World Legacy Award untuk kategori Destination Stewardship dari Conservation International and National Geographic Traveler pada tahun 2004. Pada tahun 2005 TNGR masuk menjadi 3 besar Tourism for Tommorow Award kategori Destination Award dari World Travel & Tourism Council. Sedangkan pada tahun 2007 menjadi finalis Tourism for Tommorow Award. Selain serentetan penghargaan itu, Gunung Rinjani menjadi gunung dengan tata kelola terbaik di Asia Tenggara.

13. The local wisdom of Rinjani is truly awake

The relationship of local residents is not only limited to the economic value, more than that, but the local community also establishes a neat relationship between ecology, spiritual and economic. In fact, for the Sasak community, Mount Rinjani is considered to have high spiritual value.

The Sasak community respects Mount Rinjani so much. As a form of respect, all local residents' houses face towards Mount Rinjani.

14. Living in harmony in a harmonious religious community

Mount Rinjani also symbolizes the realization of harmony between religious people. Especially the Lombok Hindus and Watu Telu Islam. The two devotees were very sacred to the Segara Anak lake. Sometimes, Muslims Watu Telu prays on the Segara Anak lake at the full moon. As for Hindus, they perform the Mulam Pakelem ritual by dissolving offerings on the Segara Anak lake. This ritual aims to harmonize the universe.

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