
Borobudur Compounds of UNESCO

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is the largest temple in the 9th century. This temple looks so impressive and sturdy that it is famous throughout the world. Borobudur location is in Yogyakarta, if from Jakarta to Yogyakarta by land route it will take approximately 8 hours and also if from Surabaya to Yogyakarta also 8 hours. This high-value historical heritage has become one of the seven wonders of the world of UNESCO. But did you know that like in other ancient buildings, the Borobudur Temple did not escape the mystery of how it was made? This mystery spawned many speculative opinions of the controversy.

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With a few limited notes and references, I tried to analyze and slightly uncover the mystery of the making of this temple which turned out to be unnecessary to be mystified!

Borobudur Temple Design

Borobudur Temple has a basic structure of punden berundak, with six square platforms, three circular platforms and the main stupa as a peak. Also scattered in all the court several stupas.


Borobudur Temple was erected on a hill or a row of small hills that stretched in the Southwest-Southwest and East-Southeast direction with a length of ± 123 m, a width of ± 123 m and a height of ± 34.5 m measured from the flat surface around it with peaks flat hill.

Borobudur Temple also looks quite complex seen from the parts that were built. Consists of 10 levels where levels 1-6 are square and the rest are round. The walls of the temple are filled with relief images of 1460 panels. There are 504 statues that complement the temple.

Temple Compiler Material

The core of the soil that functions as the subgrade or the foundation soil of the Borobudur Temple is divided into 2, namely the "urug" soil and the original land forming the hill. Urug land is a land that was intentionally made for the purpose of building the Borobudur Temple, adapted to the shape of the temple building.

According to Sampurno, this land was added to the original soil as a filler and forming the morphology of the temple building. This urug land has been made by the founder of Borobudur Temple, not the result of restoration work. The thickness of the urug soil is not uniform even though it is located on the same floor, which is between 0.5-8.5 m.

The rocks which make up the Borobudur Temple are of andesite type with high porosity, the porosity is around 32% -46%, and between the pore holes and the others are not related.

The compressive strength is relatively low when compared to the compressive strength of similar rocks. From the results of Sampurno's research (1969), the minimum compressive strength was 111 kg / cm2 and the maximum compressive strength was 281 kg / cm2. Rock volume weight between 1.6-2 t / m3.

The mystery of How to Build a Temple

Data on this temple, both in terms of design, history, and building philosophy are so widely available. Many ancient historians and buildings wrote about the features of this temple.

Data search results in both books and the internet, none of which reveal a little about the mystery of the way the temple was built. The only information is writing about the strange and mysterious figure of Edward Leedskalnin. He said "I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids and how the ancient Egyptians, Peru, Yucatan and Asia (Borobudur Temple) lifted rocks that weighed tons just by primitive equipment. "Edward was the one who built the famous Coral Castle. Some people than estimated how he worked to uncover the mystery of his knowledge of how ancient buildings were built.

Here's the opinion of some people and experts about how Edward built Coral Castle:

Some say that he might have discovered the secrets of ancient architects who built monuments such as the pyramids and Stonehenge.

Some say maybe Edward used some kind of anti-gravity equipment to build Coral Castle.

David Hatcher Childress, the author of Anty Gravity and The World Grid, has an interesting theory. According to him the South Florida region which is the location of Coral Castle has a strong diamagnetic that can make an object float.

Moreover, the southern Florida region is still considered a part of the Bermuda triangle. David believes that Edward Leedskalnin uses the diamagnetic principle of the earth's net that enables him to lift large stones using the center of mass.

David also refers to Edward's notebook which was found which indeed shows the existence of magnetic schemes and electrical experiments in them. Although David's statement smells of science, esoteric principles are still clearly visible in it.

Another writer named Ray Stoner also supports this theory. He even believed that Edward moved Coral Castle to Homestead because he was aware of a mathematical miscalculation in determining the location of Coral Castle. So he moved it to an area that has advantages in terms of magnetic strength.

Finally obtained a photo that was successfully taken at the time Edward worked on Coral Castle showed that he used the same method used by modern workers, namely using the principle called block and tackle.
Different Coral Castle is different from Borobudur Temple. Coral Castle still allows using Block and Tackle. For the Borobudur Temple, the block and tackles still don't exist. Then how do you actually make this temple?

Mysteries that have not been revealed based on the information above. I try to start rethinking apart from the mystery by trying to analyze existing data.

there are several aspects that are considered before estimating how this temple was built, namely:
The shape of the building. The temple is a square foot shaped ± 123 m long, ± 123 m wide and ± 42 m high. Area of 15,129 m2. Main material volume. The main material of this temple is high-porosity andesite rocks with a density of 1.6-2.0 t / m3. It is estimated that there are 55,000 m3 of stone forming temples or around 2 million rocks with rock sizes ranging from 25 x 10 x 15 cm. The weight per piece of stone is about 7.5 - 10 kg. Building construction. Borobudur temple is a pile of stones placed on a mound of land as its core, so it is not a massive rock pile. The ground core was also deliberately stepped up and the top was leveled to lay the temple rocks.

Each stone is connected without using cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected based on patterns and stacked. All the stones are taken from the river around Borobudur temple. Borobudur temple is a complex building seen from the parts built. Consists of 10 levels where levels 1-6 are square and the rest are round. The walls of the temple are filled with relief images of 1460 panels. There are 505 statues that complement the temple.

Available technology. At that time there was no adequate lift technology and heavy material transfer. It is estimated that using a simple mechanical method.

Estimated implementation period. There is no accurate information. But some sources say that the Borobudur temple was built from 824 m - 847 m. There are other references that say that temples were built from 750 m to 842 m or 92 years.

The construction of the temple was carried out in stages. Initially built-story apartment layout. It seems to be designed as a step pyramid. But then it was changed. As evidence, there is an arrangement that is dismantled.

The second stage, the Borobudur foundation is widened, plus two square steps and one circle step which is directly given a large main stupa.

The third stage, the steps on the circle with a large master stupa were dismantled and removed and replaced by three circle steps. Stupas were built at the top of these steps with a large stupa in the middle.

The fourth stage, there is a small change, namely making change reliefs on the stairs and making arches above the door. One thing is unique, that this temple turned out to have an architecture with an interesting or mathematically structured format. Every part of the temple's body, body, and head always has a ratio of 4: 6: 9.

The placement of the statuary also has its own meaning, plus the relief section which is estimated to be related to astronomy makes Borobudur indeed interesting historical evidence to observe.

The number of stupas at the level of arupadhatu (peak stupa is not counted) is 32, 24, 26 which has a regular ratio, which is 4: 2, and all are divided into 8.

The high side of the stupa on these three levels. Is: 1.9m; 1.8m; each differs from 10 cm. Likewise, the diameter of the stupas, having the right size is also the same as the height: 1.9m; 1.8m; 1.7m.

Some numbers in Borobudur, if added to the numbers will end up being number 1 again. It was alleged that this was indeed made so that it could be interpreted: Number 1 represents the essence of the Adhi Buddha.

The number of levels of Borobudur is 10, the numbers in 10 when added to the results: 1 + 0 = 1.

The number of stupas in arupadhatu in which there are statues there are: 32 + 24 + 16 + 1 = 73, number 73 if the results are added together: 10 and as above 1 + 0 = 10.

In total there are 505 statues in Borobudur. If the numbers in it are added together, the result is 5 + 0 + 5 = 10 and also like above 1 + 0 = 1.

looking at the data above, of course it is still approximate, I try to provide some analysis that hopefully can be commented on as our efforts to uncover the mystery that exists as follows:

1. From the data stated that the size of the temple stone is around 25 x 10 x 15 cm with the specific gravity of the stone is 1.6 - 2 tons / m3, this means that the weight per piece of stone is only about a maximum of 7.5 kg (for specific gravity 2 t / m3).

The pieces of stone turned out to be very light. For that heavy rock, it doesn't need any technology. The problem that might arise is the sloping field that must be taken. Physically sloping terrain makes the load seem to be heavier.

This is because the decomposition of the force causes there to be a horizontal load parallel to the slope that must be carried. But by looking at the fact that the weight per piece of stone is only 7.5 kg, it feels like a sloping terrain problem that doesn't need to be questioned.

The conclusion is that the process of transporting pieces of stone can be done easily and does not need any technology.

2. source of stone material taken from the river around the temple. This means that the distance between the quarry and the site is very close. Although the number reaches 2,000,000 pieces, the lightness of the material of each piece of rock and the proximity of the hauling distance, this means that the transportation process can be carried out easily without the need for certain technologies.

3. the temple was built for a long time. Some say there are 23 years and some say 92 years. If you assume the fastest is 23 years. Let's count the problem of stone installation productivity.

If land preparation and starting material are 2 years, the stone installation period is 21 years or 7665 days. There are 2 million pieces of stone. Stone mounting productivity is 2000000/7665 = 261 stones / day.

This product seems very small. There is no need for any method to produce this small productivity. Moreover, using longer duration data.

4. the length of the process of making the temple can be caused by design changes made during its implementation. This may be caused by the change of rulers (kings) during the process of building the temple.

5. Borobudur is seen physically so impressive. Has 10 floors with square and circular shapes. Has a lot of relief along the walls and statues. This temple is very concerned about the philosophy contained in its measurements. This proves that the temple was built with a fairly good design concept.

6. Borobudur Temple is the largest temple. Borobudur temple also looks complex in terms of its architectural design consisting of 10 levels where levels 1-6 are square and the rest are round. The walls of the temple are filled with relief images of 1460 panels.

There are 504 statues that complement the temple. This is clearly not an easy design and implementation job. In conclusion, the valuable Borobudur temple in terms of design, both civil engineering and architectural art, requires careful planning and management in terms of design and implementation. I concluded that this temple was built with project management that was quite good.

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